Thursday, April 23, 2009

Caroline's Garden- Will she reap what she sewed?

Caroline had fun helping me put in the garden. She planted rocks, flowers she picked off my new plants, a ring pop and a lollipop. Holly took over her previous role: Stomping,tromping,picking, drowning, and generally destroying my tender new plants. Considering that along with Holly's efforts my garden has to contend with ravenous garden pests, encroaching crabgrass, an Arkansas summer, and my lack of motivation in the most crucial time (when all previously mentioned plagues are at their peak) everything I harvest will be a miracle of mother natures tenacity. Judging from previous years, I'm sure that Caroline's harvest will put mine to shame. I think rocks are as determined to multiply and replenish as the aphids and squash vine borrers. Why do I bother? Because I inherited my Dad's gardening bug without his skill, green thumb, or work ethic. But if I get one tomato, it will be worth it. Expensive, but you can't put a price on self-fulfillment!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Look what I made!

I actually made this. It's small, but it was easy! I can think of all kinds of uses for it. I used a tutorial that I found on line. Girls, let me know if you want one. I can make it longer and leave it flat and it would make a pencil keeper.
